The Stonerose Fossil Site in Republic, Washington with its wide variety of Eocene flora and its more limited Eocene fauna is often the scene of hectic but purposeful activity. Students of all ages, tourists, scientists, families, and rock hounds search for that perfect example of that rare or not-so-rare fossil. The curator and her assistants maintain a careful watchon the activities on the site and control over the removal of the fossils. Visitors are limited to three fossils per day. Unidentified or exceptional specimens of fossils are kept for scientific analyses or added to the Stonerose collection. In the last ten (10) years 70,000 visitors have found thousands of fossils and have taken great pride in their contribution to science, and they feel particularly rewarded if their "treasure" has been retained for further study. One of the major functions of the Center is to educate the visitors of the importance of science and scientific methodology. On all levels amateurs contribute to the success of Stonerose. From the Board of Directors to those who are participating in a stratigraphic study to sophisticated "amateurs" who have contributed their collections to the Center, Stonerose is the beneficiary of amateur activity. Funding is a community effort involving county, city, and private resources, as well as the activities of the Stonerose Center itself. Although the curator works closely with the State of Washington's Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture and museums and scientists throughout the world own and study Republic fossils, it is amateurs who provide the "fire" for the engine that makes Stonerose run.

Key words: amateur collectors, Eocene, fossils, Republic, Washington