TAYLOR, THOMAS N.*, EDITH L. TAYLOR, MICHAEL KRINGS, AND HANS KERP. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research Center, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045; Abt. Paläobotanik am Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Hindenburgplatz 57, D-48143 Münster, Germany. - Reconstruction of the climbing late Paleozoic seed fern Pseudomariopteris busquetii.
Vine- to lianalike growth habits have to date been documented for a
number of late Paleozoic pteridosperm taxa; only a few scrambling
and/or climbing taxa, however, have been reconstructed in detail.
Pseudomariopteris busquetii (Zeiller) Danzé-Corsin, emend.
Krings et Kerp, a (?callistophytalean) taxon that was quite common in
the European late Paleozoic, was a medium-sized, vine- to lianalike
plant with slender stems to which small bipartite fronds were
attached. The growth habit of P. busquetii is reconstructed,
based on compression material from the Upper Carboniferous of France
and Lower Permian of Germany. P. busquetii utilized two
different strategies to both anchor and support the plant body. Most
specimens possess specialized climber hooks developed from apical
extensions of the pinna axes, indicating that the fronds were used to
attach the plant. A few specimens suggest that the stem may also have
had some capacity for attachment. In the absence of suitable
supports, however, P. busquetii may also have grown in thickets
in which the individual plants supported each other. The
reconstruction of P. busquetii presented here depicts a growth
form which was apparently widely distributed among mariopterid
pteridosperms. Several gross-morphological features, which are
characteristic of P. busquetii and important for our
understanding of its growth form, have also been documented for other
mariopterid taxa. Based on local abundance in the fossil record,
mariopterid pteridosperms may have played an important role in some of
the Upper Carboniferous and Lower Permian coal swamp forest
ecosystems. They may have represented part of a rather vigorously
growing, sprawling, scrambling and/or climbing type of vegetation that
may be structurally comparable to vegetation often found at edges or
in disturbed areas (e.g., treefall gaps) of contemporary forest
Key words: climber hooks, growth habit, late Paleozoic, Pseudomariopteris busquetii, Pteridosperms, Reconstruction