Bruno Mire is a 12 hectare sedge/grass-dominated wetland with a mat-forming aquatic bryophyte layer surrounded by a second-growth fir/hemlock/spruce forest at an elevation of 1224 m on the west slope of the Cascade Range. From 1991 through 1999, we surveyed the flora in all habitats and substrates within the area surrounded by the high water table, including all those in open water, marsh, and upland islands. Vascular plants were represented by 41 families comprising 119 species in 88 genera. The largest family representations were Cyperaceae (4 genera, 15 spp.), Poaceae (7 genera, 10 spp.), Asteraceae (7 genera, 10 spp.), Rosaceae (8 genera, 9 spp.), and Ericaceae (5 genera, 8 spp.). Bryophytes were represented by 38 families comprising 65 species in 43 genera. The largest family representations were Mniaceae (4 genera, 10 spp.), Brachytheciaceae (4 genera, 7 spp.), Hylocomiaceae (4 genera, 6 spp.), Dicranaceae (2 genera, 5 spp.), and Scapaniaceae (1 genus, 4 spp.). The variety of habitats within Bruno Mire is such that the floristic diversity exceeds those of Torrey Lake Mire and Crater Lake Sphagnum Bog in the central and southern Oregon Cascades.

Key words: aquatic bryophytes, Cascade Range, floristic survey, mire